What's your story?
Ever since the first century, groups of seekers and followers of Jesus Christ have got together - often on a Sunday - to share life with each other, grow deeper in their relationship with God through Jesus and to serve the towns or cities in which they live.​
Here at SEC, this is what we want to do as well!
What's it about?
At the heart of the historical Christian faith is the claim that God has come and made Himself known to a broken humanity in the person of Jesus Christ. Jesus’ death on a cross was in our place - bringing forgiveness to those who put their trust in Him. His resurrection was the event that caused the explosive beginnings of the global church that continues to grow around the world - of which, SEC is just one very small local expression. You can read more of what we believe just here.​
What happens?
There are all kinds of events and gatherings through the week but for our Sunday 11am meetings, after a warm welcome and news shared, we sing and pray before continuing to explore the Bible with a 25-30 minute talk from a Bible passage. We often receive visitors so we always try to explain about what we are doing and why - no prior knowledge or experience is required!